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Workshop: „Measuring Metabolic Engines and Fuels“ mit dem Agilent Seahorse XF Analyser
Dienstag, Oktober 10, 2017; 09:00 - 17:00
Metabolism is the key to understanding cell function
In living cells, most of the energy produced is derived from three fuel sources: glucose, glutamine, and fatty acids. Mitochondrial access to these fuels impacts a wide variety of biological processes. Use the Agilent Seahorse XF Analyzer to:
- Identify fuel dependencies to uncover cancer cell vulnerabilities.
- Explore how fuel preferences lead to cell fate decisions for differentiation and immune cell activation.
- Determine whether/how cells can adjust fuel oxidation to match nutrient availability while meeting energy demand.
- Distinguish metabolic adaptations due to genetic changes vs. those that take place due to nutrient deprivation.