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Fakultätskolloquium: The Origins and Evolution of Biological Codes, Networks and Languages
Donnerstag, Juni 16, 2016; 16:15 - 18:00
Die Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III lädt zum Fakultätskolloquium am Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2016, 16.15 Uhr, Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1, Hörsaal 3.31, ein. Im Rahmen seiner Julius-Kühn-Gastprofessur spricht Herr Prof. Dr. David Ardell (University of California, Merced) zum Thema „The Origins and Evolution of Biological Codes, Networks and Languages“. Cells and organisms, including humans, compute their future well-being by communicating and integrating information through symbolic, abstractly referential interactions within collectives. Prof. Ardell´s interdisciplinary research program in bioinformatics and evolutionary linguistics studies macromolecular identity codes, adaptation in the semantic maps of human languages, and the origin of programmable protein synthesis in the „big bang“ that gave rise to all earthly cells and organelles. This presentation will explore what life, language and the genetic code all have in common with each other, including why all cellular life and all human languages both exhibit a starburst-like hereditary pattern of divergence from an irreducible common origin. The talk will illustrate the importance of computer science, interdisciplinary research in bioinformatics, and the digital revolution in driving today’s fundamental advances in life sciences and the humanities.